Thursday, 24 April 2014



         Aseem Komachi is a freelance Photographer,he started Photography career in  1995 to present. He is one of the popular photographer in Kerala State of India

Contact +919847226270, +919388233311


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Shooting portraits against a black background makes a dramatic statement. It forces the viewer to give the subject their undivided attention, and it can give off a wide range of emotions. However, it also presents lighting challenges for photographers. In this video, photographer Joe McNallydemonstrates a simple approach to these challenges:
To illustrate the difficulty in photographing on a black background, McNally first shoots an image with the on-camera flash. The result is harsh, heavy on contrast, and unflattering:
flash black background
on-camera flash
To soften the light, McNally uses the on-camera flash to trigger a remote Speedlight, which is then aimed at the subject through a diffuser, resulting in a natural-looking light with soft shadows:
flash black background
diffused, off-camera Speedlight
For yet another look, try a large diffuser panel (McNally uses one that measures 3 feet by 6 feet). Those who don’t want to buy or rent one can create a makeshift panel from a bedsheet. Diffusing the light over such a large area will create a soft, allover glow on your subject:

Color Grade Like A Pro – The Secret To Cinematic Imagery


Getting it right in camera is one of the most important steps to achieving a great photograph, but color grading is what can really take your work to entirely new level. It has taken me nearly 2 years to find the right process and perfect combination to obtain the right look. And, over the course of my time writing forFstoppers, I’ve been asked dozens of times about the coloring and process behind my imagery. Well, I’ve finally broken it all down in one quick tutorial.

This grading technique uses a combination of adjustment layers; Hue/Saturation, Curves, Levels and Solid Color Fill. Depending on the look you want to achieve, this process can be altered and switched to fit to your vision.
For a cold, dramatic image…
  • Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer. Drag the Saturation slide far left to around -40, nearly halfway to black and white. The de-saturation will add drama to the image.
  • Create a Curves Adjustment Layer. With this adjustment, it’s all about the subtle color. Pull down the midtones in the Red, Green and Blue channels to achieve a moody blue/green tinted image.
  • Create a Levels Adjustment Layer. Drop down to the blue channel and drag the bottom black slider to the right to bring blue into the shadows. Then, drag the white slider just slightly left to bring back warmth in the highlights.
Color Grade Like A Pro The Secret To Cinematic Imagery Photoshop Clay Cook Fstoppers Oliphant Portraits 710x532 Color Grade Like A Pro – The Secret To Cinematic Imagery
For a natural earthy, warm image…
  • Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer. Drag the Saturation slider left to around -15, for some slight drama.
  • Create a Curves Adjustment Layer. Pull up the highlights on the Red channel. Then, drop down to the Green channel, pull up the highlights and pull down the shadows to create contrast. Drop down to the Blue channel, again create a small “S-Curve,” pull up the highlights and pull down the shadows.
  • Create a Levels Adjustment Layer. Drop down to the blue channel and drag the bottom black slider to the right to bring blue into the shadows. Then, drag the white slider left quite a bit to bring back a lot of warmth in the highlights.
  • Create a Solid Color Fill. From the color picker select a strong gold/brown, but not too dark. Change the blending mode to Hard Light, then bring down the Opacity to around 8%. This will give an additional milky warmth to the image.
Color Grade Like A Pro The Secret To Cinematic Imagery Photoshop Clay Cook Fstoppers Tutorial 710x947 Color Grade Like A Pro – The Secret To Cinematic Imagery
This isn’t the only way to color an image and there is certainty no right or wrong way to do it. I can’t guarantee it will work for your photography, but I can guarantee this technique will supplement workflow and enhance any imagery. So, give it a shot and let me know how it works for you. More