Tuesday 6 May 2014

Aaron Nace - Plan Your Dream Photo Shoot 5/28 - 5/29

Class Length: 2 Full Days (8 Hours Each Day, 16 Hours Total)
Class Size: 8 Students
Class Description:
Join photographer and retoucher Aaron Nace for a journey into your dream photo shoot. You and 7 other people will be part of an exclusive group that will be creating a concept, shooting and retouching exactly what you want to learn.
1. Build concept as a team before the workshop begins.  The entire class will be in regualr contact prior to the workshop.  You'll work together as a team to come up with a concept, identify important pre-production Aaron-Nace-Baxter1steps, and begin to gather resources.  Working as a team is vital to large production photo shoots, and working with other creatives is an essential skill.  Everyone's input will be heard, though Aaron will get the final say in any tough decisions.
2. Everyone will have a chance to photograph models for their portfolio.  Because everyone is contributing to every stage of this photo shoot, every should also get credit for it.  It is a team production, and everyone will have a chance to put their own little spin on it.  Nobody wants to have a portfolio piece that looks the same as someone standing next to them.  The concept will stay the same for everyone, but everyone's end image will be undeniably unique.Aaron-Nace-Small
3. Small class size (8 people) means a lot of one-on-one attention.  No one is going to get lost in the crowd during this workshop.  Your participation is not only encouraged, it's vital to the photo shoot's success.  Working as a team to handle the pre-production prior to the trip not only gives you some bonus time with Aaron, it will free up some on-set time to really focus on each student.
4. This is the ultimate exclusive/personal seminar.  A small class size. Extra meetings before you even head to the Bahamas. Two full days of working together.  Aaron's ability to talk for hours.  Sign up for a FANTASTIC experience of a lifetime.

For more information about this specific class  CLICK HERE 

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